Monday, March 25, 2013

Introducing JKFFH Q&A

While I can spout on endlessly about a variety of wellness topics, I do try to keep the focus at JKF Fitness & Health about the people. So with that in mind, I introduce JKFFH Q & A. 

Questions will be taking through comments on our blogs and social media outlets and answered, hopefully, in the same day or at least within a couple of days (no one is perfect, but I'm trying).
Here are the first two questions and their responses:
-Leah F: How much weight/reps is a good amount for a girl to lift - 3days a week, to not get all bulky, but not be flabby? Ready- go!
Hi Leah, great question! My core routine for females and really anyone trying to lose weight, but gain strength and tone at the same time is a full body routine, with two focused cardio sessions, and cross training moves in between lifts. You should lift 2 sets, with less than a minute of rest in between. The first set should be 20 reps, and the second set you can go up in weight slightly for 15 to 20 reps. In terms of weight, I stress lifting a weight that is heavy enough that you really have to try for the last 8 to 5 reps of the set. Though you might be lifting weights heavier than normal, you won't bulk because of the aerobic nature of the reps and the short rest time. An example of the workout can be found at this link!program-examples-young-professional-woman/c1osz Thanks for the question and let me know if the answer is helpful!
-Ben J.: what's the most widespread and/or destructive myth about fitness?
Hi Ben, this is a great, albeit, big question. I’m going to cop out and say that there are probably a couple of myths that I’ve encountered with clients, I’ll list them in no particular order.
•Dieting – Diets are a short-term solution for what I consider a terminal problem. Diets are effective in emptying fat cells, but not in regulating them. The body’s main consumer of fat (energy) is muscle. Thus any long-term wellness solution begins with muscle development/functionality and adjustments in what you eat. More on this in a future blog post.
•Workout With No Pain – This is probably my most hated statement. If you’re effecting change in the body, there’s going to be some discomfort. Soreness/pain is a great tool in helping a person determine if they’ve worked a muscle area and whether or not they’ve worked that area too hard or too little.
•The All-In-Approach. There’s a philosophy that you should punish yourself or go extreme with a diet or new workout routine. The problem is these are normally unsustainable for several reasons – injuries, lifestyle, and adaptability.  You don’t need to go to the extreme; you’re actually better off doing something that you can stick with for 1 to 3 years
Those are 3 quick ones, I’ll see what else I can come up with in the next week or two.

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